Main Config
Option to open the menu before each trade so you can double check all the values We recommend to set this to true
The default value to delay between requests Delay between requests in milliseconds in modes like Simulate, Stream Profit
Set here the amount of wallets that you would like to use to buy Each wallet need to have wsol or sol in case of USE_WSOL TRUE => WSOL for the amount to buy and SOL to pay fees
Set here the TARGET token adress
You can also add this inside the interface
Set here the TARGET pool/marketid adress
True will also look for market cap in the stream profit Set to false if your node have low requests
When you are using any scrapper if the token is not live and you set true in this option the for bot will start to spam buy the token
Never enable Take Profit and Instant sell at the same time
Take Profit % Amount. Will sell when your profit reach this value.
Take profit priority fee in sol
The amount of tokens in % that you would like to sell when TP is reached
Set 0 To disable How much % to sell when take profit is triggered
Set to 0 To disable Instant sell priority fee
Last updated